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Ragtime Mandolin for mandolin

Ragtime Mandolin for mandolin

HL01182571 (H)
  • The popularity of the mandolin in the United States between 1885-1915 led to the formation of many regional mandolin orchestras and mandolin clubs across the country, particularly in the urban areas of the Northeast and Midwest, but also as far west as San Francisco and as far south as New Orleans, e.g., the Tulane University Mandolin Club. In fact, Scott Joplin dedicated one of his early rags, The Entertainer, to his local mandolin club in Sedalia, Missouri, i.e., to Mr. James Brown and his mandolin club. So tune up your mandolin and enjoy playing the music that would have been heard in the neighborhood dance halls and feel like you're back in the Gilded Age! Each song in this collection is arranged for mandolin in staff notation and mandolin tablature with chord symbols.
  • A Collection of Cakewalks, Rags, Slow Drags and Foxtrots from
  • The Gilded Age 1885 - 1915
31,50 €*
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Details für "Ragtime Mandolin for mandolin"
  • The popularity of the mandolin in the United States between 1885-1915 led to the formation of many regional mandolin orchestras and mandolin clubs across the country, particularly in the urban areas of the Northeast and Midwest, but also as far west as San Francisco and as far south as New Orleans, e.g., the Tulane University Mandolin Club. In fact, Scott Joplin dedicated one of his early rags, The Entertainer, to his local mandolin club in Sedalia, Missouri, i.e., to Mr. James Brown and his mandolin club. So tune up your mandolin and enjoy playing the music that would have been heard in the neighborhood dance halls and feel like you're back in the Gilded Age! Each song in this collection is arranged for mandolin in staff notation and mandolin tablature with chord symbols.
  • A Collection of Cakewalks, Rags, Slow Drags and Foxtrots from
  • The Gilded Age 1885 - 1915

Besetzung: Mandoline, Mandoline solo, solo, Streich- und Zupfinstrumente
Schwierigkeit: 0
Seitenanzahl: 120
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
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