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Classical Guitar Book 2 (Online-Audio) for guitar

Classical Guitar Book 2 (Online-Audio) for guitar

HL00153771 (H)
  • An Intermediate-Level Guide with Step-by-Step Instruction and over 45 Pieces To stdy and play
  • Hal Leonard Guitar Method
  • The Hal Leonard Classical Guitar Method is designed for anyone just learning to play classical guitar. This comprehensive and easy-to-use guide by renowned classical guitarist and teacher Paul Henry uses the music of the master composers to further develop your understanding of the classical style and technique. Book 2 includes: tone-coloring techniques, dynamics, dampening, sixth string tuned to D, notes above open position, left-hand shifting, grace notes, slides, and articulations, natural and artificial harmonics, natural and artificial harmonics, full and partial barres, trills and mordents, two-octave scales, vibrato, counterpoint, left- and right-hand technique review, slur exercises, and more! This book also includes access to more than 50 audio tracks for demonstration and play-along. Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.
18,99 €*
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Details für "Classical Guitar Book 2 (Online-Audio) for guitar"
  • An Intermediate-Level Guide with Step-by-Step Instruction and over 45 Pieces To stdy and play
  • Hal Leonard Guitar Method
  • The Hal Leonard Classical Guitar Method is designed for anyone just learning to play classical guitar. This comprehensive and easy-to-use guide by renowned classical guitarist and teacher Paul Henry uses the music of the master composers to further develop your understanding of the classical style and technique. Book 2 includes: tone-coloring techniques, dynamics, dampening, sixth string tuned to D, notes above open position, left-hand shifting, grace notes, slides, and articulations, natural and artificial harmonics, natural and artificial harmonics, full and partial barres, trills and mordents, two-octave scales, vibrato, counterpoint, left- and right-hand technique review, slur exercises, and more! This book also includes access to more than 50 audio tracks for demonstration and play-along. Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.

Besetzung: Gitarre, Gitarre solo, solo, Streich- und Zupfinstrumente
Schwierigkeit: 0
Seitenanzahl: 80
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
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