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Slappin': A complete Study of Slap Technique for Bass (+Online Audio)

Slappin': A complete Study of Slap Technique for Bass (+Online Audio)

MB96534M (H)
  • Gleaned from years of teaching, performance, and listening experience -bass players at all levels will benefit from studying the numerous exercises, grooves, and musical examples offered in this book. Whether you are into funk, R&B, fusion, jazz, rock, punk, reggae, alternative music, or any other style: the slap technique will find a niche in your bass playing vocabulary. Chapter headings include: Technique, Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs, Ghost Notes, Left Hand Slap, Open Strings, Double Slap, Double Stops, Double Pops, Other Licks and Tricks, and Advanced Grooves & Solos Using All Techniques. The author strongly advises the student to play each lesson slowly until the exercise orprinciple being illustrated is thoroughly mastered. Written in notation and tablature. Includes access to online audio and video.
23,60 €*
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Details für "Slappin': A complete Study of Slap Technique for Bass (+Online Audio)"
  • Gleaned from years of teaching, performance, and listening experience -bass players at all levels will benefit from studying the numerous exercises, grooves, and musical examples offered in this book. Whether you are into funk, R&B, fusion, jazz, rock, punk, reggae, alternative music, or any other style: the slap technique will find a niche in your bass playing vocabulary. Chapter headings include: Technique, Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs, Ghost Notes, Left Hand Slap, Open Strings, Double Slap, Double Stops, Double Pops, Other Licks and Tricks, and Advanced Grooves & Solos Using All Techniques. The author strongly advises the student to play each lesson slowly until the exercise orprinciple being illustrated is thoroughly mastered. Written in notation and tablature. Includes access to online audio and video.

Gleaned from years of teaching, performance, and listening experience -bass players at all levels will benefit from studying the numerous exercises, grooves, and musical examples offered in this book. Whether you are into funk, R&B, fusion, jazz, rock, punk, reggae, alternative music, or any other style: the slap technique will find a niche in your bass playing vocabulary. Chapter headings include: Technique, Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs, Ghost Notes, Left Hand Slap, Open Strings, Double Slap, Double Stops, Double Pops, Other Licks and Tricks, and Advanced Grooves & Solos Using All Techniques. The author strongly advises the student to play each lesson slowly until the exercise orprinciple being illustrated is thoroughly mastered. Written in notation and tablature. Includes access to online audio and video.
Besetzung: Anleitungs-Lehrbücher, E-Bass/Kontrabass, Rock - Pop - Jazz, Songbücher (E-Bass / Kontrabass)
Schwierigkeit: 0
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