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The Art of Accordion Playing Technique, Interpretation and Performance of Playing the Accordion Arti

The Art of Accordion Playing Technique, Interpretation and Performance of Playing the Accordion Arti

9783925572043 (H)
  • hardcover The author, Friedrich Lips, music professor at the Gnesin Music Academy in
  • Moscow, accordion-virtuoso and pedagog, and one of the most outstanding and
  • important musicians on the accordion of our times, has written this book for
  • musicians who want to improve their performance skill. It is a handbook with
36,00 €*
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Details für "The Art of Accordion Playing Technique, Interpretation and Performance of Playing the Accordion Arti"
  • hardcover The author, Friedrich Lips, music professor at the Gnesin Music Academy in
  • Moscow, accordion-virtuoso and pedagog, and one of the most outstanding and
  • important musicians on the accordion of our times, has written this book for
  • musicians who want to improve their performance skill. It is a handbook with
  • numerous practical examples that can be used on a daily basis to solve
  • practical problems and practice exercises.
  • In an easy-to-understand presentation, this book leads the reader step by
  • step through the concept of tone creation: keystrokes, bellows control,
  • vibrato, and articulation. The author goes into detail about playing
  • technique: composure, notation, fingering, and exercises. He encourages
  • students working on technique so simultaneously consider aspects of
  • interpretation: analyzing the content as well as applying rules for tempo,
  • rhythm, and rubato. While concentrated music studies have the concert as
  • their goal, Lips concludes by analyzing concert activity: selecting the
  • repertoire and conducting oneself before, during, and after the concert.
  • As the accordionist incorporates these methods into his performances, he
  • acquires the skills to let the music resound on his instrument.

Besetzung: Musikbücher, Musikwissenschaft
Erscheinungsjahr: 2000
Schwierigkeit: 0
Kundenmeinungen für "The Art of Accordion Playing Technique, Interpretation and Performance of Playing the Accordion Arti"
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