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The Symphony - From Mannheim to Mahler

The Symphony - From Mannheim to Mahler

0571542409 (H)
  • Book A guide to the development of the symphony through the 18th and 19th centuries
  • Wild, Natalie, Koautorin
  • The Symphony: From Mannheim to Mahler is a fascinating and accessible guide
  • that considers the development of the symphony from a number of different
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Details für "The Symphony - From Mannheim to Mahler"
  • Book A guide to the development of the symphony through the 18th and 19th centuries
  • Wild, Natalie, Koautorin
  • The Symphony: From Mannheim to Mahler is a fascinating and accessible guide
  • that considers the development of the symphony from a number of different
  • perspectives: analytical, historical, and critical. Exploring important
  • milestones, touchpoints, events, key works, and the composers that surround
  • the genre, it also includes a composer timeline, detailed case studies and
  • comprehensive music examples. This handy and informative book is ideal for
  • GCSE, A-Level, and undergraduate music students, as well as anyone wanting to
  • study and learn more about the genre.
  • Christopher Tarrant is Lecturer in Music Analysis at Newcastle University. He
  • received his PhD from Royal Holloway, University of London and now teaches
  • and writes about concert music of the long nineteenth century with a special
  • emphasis on theory of form and the Nordic symphony. Christopher is also a
  • violinist and conductor.
  • Natalie Wild is Director of Research and Deputy Director of Music at the
  • Music in Secondary Schools Trust (MiSST). Her research focuses on the role a
  • classical music education can play in breaking down social barriers. Natalie
  • has taught both GCSE and A-Level Music for many years as Head of Music in
  • various inner-city schools.
  • The early symphony, Patronage and public concerts, Melody, harmony and
  • syntax, Form, structure and cycle, Sonata form, Tonality, Absolute music and
  • programme music, The symphony outside Germany and Austria, The symphony's
  • second age

Besetzung: Musikbücher, Musikwissenschaft
Schwierigkeit: 0
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Seitenanzahl: 196
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