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Chairman at the Board Recording the Soundtrack of a Generation
Details für "Chairman at the Board Recording the Soundtrack of a Generation"
  • Softcover Chairman at the Board is an intimate, funny, and absorbing look at the music business by an insider who has recorded some of the greatest musical artists from the 1970s to today. After his high school band was dropped by Decca Records, Bill Schnee began his quest to learn everything he could about making records. He quickly began recording the top acts of the day as a freelance engineer/producer in Hollywood. Clive Davis then hired him to work for CBS, where he partnered with famed music producer Richard Perry. Schnee would record or mix many of Perry's biggest albums of the '70s and '80s, including those by Barbra Streisand, Carly Simon, and Ringo Starr, and he would go on to engineer and produce the likes of Marvin Gaye, Neil Diamond, Boz Scaggs, the Jacksons, Huey Lewis and the News, Dire Straits, and Whitney Houston. With over 125 gold and platinum records and two Grammys, Bill Schnee has been called a living legend-recognized and respected in the industry as the consummate music man with an incomparable career that he lovingly shares with his readers in humorous detail.

Softcover Chairman at the Board is an intimate, funny, and absorbing look at the music business by an insider who has recorded some of the greatest musical artists from the 1970s to today. After his high school band was dropped by Decca Records, Bill Schnee began his quest to learn everything he could about making records. He quickly began recording the top acts of the day as a freelance engineer/producer in Hollywood. Clive Davis then hired him to work for CBS, where he partnered with famed music producer Richard Perry. Schnee would record or mix many of Perry's biggest albums of the '70s and '80s, including those by Barbra Streisand, Carly Simon, and Ringo Starr, and he would go on to engineer and produce the likes of Marvin Gaye, Neil Diamond, Boz Scaggs, the Jacksons, Huey Lewis and the News, Dire Straits, and Whitney Houston. With over 125 gold and platinum records and two Grammys, Bill Schnee has been called a living legend-recognized and respected in the industry as the consummate music man with an incomparable career that he lovingly shares with his readers in humorous detail.
Besetzung: Biographien, Musikbücher
Schwierigkeit: 0
Seitenanzahl: 219
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